Saturday, 26 February 2011

DREAMS r the best part of the life

Expression of the Face Could Be Seen By Every One
But d Depression of Heart Could be Understood Only By the Best One
Don't Lose them in Life.

Only 2 persons are happy in this world,
ONE is MAD &
BE MAD to achieve what you DESIRE & BE a CHILD to ENJOY whatever u ACHIEVED..

DREAMS r the best part of the life...
If u miss sleep...U miss the best part of life.
So go to bed. Good sleep! Catch SWEET DREAMS..

Monday, 21 February 2011

Funny Jokes

GOD: I can't b everywhere so I created MOTHERS!Funny Jokes
DEVIL: I 2 can't b everywhere so I created GIRLS!
GOD: don't worry! I have created boys 2 Chang them in 2 mothers.!?

Life is like a vehicle.Funny Jokes
Husband and wife are 2 tires of d vehicle.
If 1 punctures, the vehicle will not move.
So brilliant people carry a stepney.

In the race betweenFunny Jokes
CAT & M0USE ...
Mouse mostly wins ...
Bcoz the cat is running 4 food & mouse 4 its life.
Purpose is more important than need...

Friday, 18 February 2011

Jokes of the Day

Maths teacher: If u have 12 chocolates funny jocksAND u give 5 to Hema, 3 to Jaya and 4 to Sushma, then what will u have?
Student:Three New Girlfriends..!

Sardar was walking on the road with cell in his hand,funny jocks
Thief robs his cell and runs,
sardar laughs and says "Oy charger toh mere paas hai..!

Balaya's Dad died & he was crying..!funny jocks
After 2minuts balayya cries louder.
Friend: What happens now.?
Balayya: My sister just called me, her dad also died..!

Begger: ayya kaasta dharmam cheyandi ayya..funny jocks
Owner: vellu..vellu..intlo ammagaru leru.
Begger: Nenu adigindi dharmam,nee pellanni kaadu babu..

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Love is Beautiful

LOVE :... Isn't about expressive with heavy words.
Its about understanding, a gentle touch & a pure heart..
Friend Ship :... is to laugh about the 'NONSENSE' said above.

A good person will always be in memory!!Love is Beautiful
A better person will always be in dreams!!
But the best person will always be in HEART.!!
Like 'U'.........

Love is Beautiful, bcoz its a feeling controlled by d heartLove is Beautiful
but Friendship is even more beautiful, bcoz its a feeling that controls the heart.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Life has No Pause Buttons

Life has No Pause Buttons!Life has No Pause Buttons
Dreams have no Expiry date!
Time has no Holiday!
So,Don't waste a single Moment in ur life.
Live it And Rock it.

If i say hi.... U may say whoz this...wanna be good friends
If i ask for chat... U may say why??...
If i ask u for a coffee... U may say wt rubbish....
If i ask for friendship... U may say m flirting...
So can u plz suggest me how to start wid a new relation.....???
Till u reply i am trying wid a request....
wanna be good friends ?????

A seed while growing makes no sound.Be a CREATOR always
A tree while failing makes a huge noise.
Destruction is Noisy, Creation is always Quiet.
Be a CREATOR always.. ...

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Funny sms Jokes

Elephant proposed to ant,Funny sms Jokes
"I LOVE U..."
ANT: How many times i've tell you,
At my home Inter size (intercast) marriages not accept, plz forget me, sorry....

Love Story on MobileFunny sms Jokes
18 yrs boy loving 16 yrs girl.
Boy loving since 84 days on 14th feb 11 clock the boy told her.
Want 2 know Wat he told her? Ad numeric in dis msg see total.
U have just watched my new film 'TAARE MOBILE PAR'

Friday, 4 February 2011

Nothing comes free of cost in this world

Nothing comes free of cost in this world.UR SMILE
Including my msg.
So, i decided to charge for my msg's, and the price is
u should compulsory pay it..

World's most Beautiful sentence:Words r same
"But,I Like U!"
World's most Painful sentence:
"I Like U,but.."
Words r same,
but where they r placed matters a lot

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Wonderful couples in this World

Wonderful couples in this My Message & Ur SmileWorld.
"Heart & Beats"
"Night & Moon"
"Music & Songs"
"Roses & Love"
"Fish & Water"
"My Message & Ur Smile"...!

"F,l"o,w"e,r"f,u"l, MorningB happy
"c,o"l,o"u,r"f,u"l, "Noon
"P,e"a,c"e,f"u,l ",N8
B happy,its a"F,a"n,t"a,s"t,"i,c"day 4 U
Good Morning

"If I'm always comparing myself with other human beingscomparing myself
I will either suffer from ego or jealousy.
They will disturb my natural development."

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Nice friendship

7sms=1cal.funny sms jock
1marriage= 7777problems
So look only books,no side looks.

Nice friendship is like Nice friendship is like breathing airbreathing air
u will never see but u will always feel the presence of it
as i feel wen i think of U frnd...

Hurt a true heart as many times uLUV again want it wont stop loving you...
But if u cheat a true heart , it wont hurt are hate you,but it wont dare to LUV again..